Getting StartedAbout RentalsystemsWhat is Rentalsystems?How does Rentalsystems make money?Adding a propertyCreating a propertyBasic property informationPhotos & videosLocation detailsDirectionsAdding links to Airbnb, Vrbo and Booking.comGenerating your property page linkAdvertising multiple properties How do I turn my property off? Links to other platformsReviewsOwner profilePricing & discountsSetting your pricingBase pricesCustom pricesExtrasHow do I set discounts?Lowest price pledgeYour accountChanging my passwordRentalsystems appEdit profileMy detailsCalendarHow do I use iCalendar to sync my Rentalsystems calendar with another?How to manage your calendar Booking preferencesInstant bookingRequest bookingBreakage coverWhat is a breakage cover?What is a Non-Refundable Breakage Waiver?What is a refundable breakage deposit? How can I handle the breakage cover myself?