
Instant booking

If you keep your calendar up-to-date, you can set your advert to automatically confirm bookings without any interaction from you. It is really useful for renters when they have found a good price for flights (or other transport means) because they can book everything at the same time. It speeds up the renters booking process meaning they are more likely to pay. These properties receive on average twice as many bookings as on request properties.

If you want to set your property as instant booking, then click ‘Instant booking’ under ‘Others’ on the left-hand side of the property page. You will then have to agree to the instant booking terms and conditions. We recommend you then apply some filters so that instant confirmation bookings are subjected to conditions that you set. These include:

  • Arrival date - select a from and to date;
  • Minimum notice period between the booking being made and arrival date;
  • No single gender booking;
  • Minimum age - this is the age all members of the party must be over;
  • Children filter.

For example, if you need a certain amount of days to prepare the property for guests, then you can set a ‘Minimum notice period’ so that bookings are made a certain amount of days before the arrival date. If a filter is triggered, the booking is not refused but automatically turned into a ‘booking request’ for you to confirm or decline.