
Links to other platforms

As part of our direct booking offering, you can link to your listings on Airbnb, and Vrbo from your Clickstay property page.


1. Your reviews and profile on other platforms help with authentication, giving renters confidence to book direct with you

2. Renters can compare prices and book the property at the best price available to them

To add your links, go to your Rentalsystems dashboard and select "Properties" on the menu bar. From here, edit the relevant property. You'll see "Links" in the menu. Select this, and then add the relevant URL for each of those three sites that you list on.

Don't forget to check your prices on Rentalsystems too - since our total fees are much, much lower than those platforms, it should be cheaper for renters to book directly with you on Clickstay.

You can raise your price per night / week on Rentalsystems by a few percentage points; renters will still pay less than on other platforms, and you will make more profit from each booking.